Cohiba Extra Vigoroso Xv 550 Cigars
This natural cigar is a full-bodied, rich tobacco degustation premium. It savouring a select Sun Grown Sumatran wrapper leaf that is aged for three years. It's extra flavor is accomplished with a blend of Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Piloto tasting Ligero filler and a binder of Connecticut broadleaf...
Cohiba Extra Vigoroso Xv 645 Cigars
Cohiba Extra Vigoroso Xv 645 Natural is a full-bodied, rich tobacco destination premium. It savoring a select Sun Grown Sumatran wrapper leaf that is aged for three years. It's extra flavor is accomplished with a blend of Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Piloto tasting Ligero filler and a binder of Connecticut broadleaf. ..
Cohiba Extra Vigoroso Xv 652 Cigars
Its savoring a select Sun Grown Sumatran wrapper leaf that is aged for three years. It's extra flavor is accomplished with a blend of Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Piloto tasting Ligero filler and a binder of Connecticut broadleaf...
Cohiba Extra Vigoroso Xv 660 Pyramid Cigars
This natural cigars is a full bodied cigar with a Sun Grown Sumatran wrapper leaf that is aged for three years. It's extra flavor is accomplished with a blend of Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Piloto tasting Ligero filler and a binder of Connecticut broadleaf...
Cohiba Extra Vigoroso Xv 749 Cigars
This natural cigar is a full bodied cigar with a Sun Grown Sumatran wrapper leaf that is aged for three years. It's extra flavor is accomplished with a blend of Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Piloto tasting Ligero filler and a binder of Connecticut broadleaf...