Cohiba Extra Vigoroso Xv 749 Cigars
This natural cigar is a full bodied cigar with a Sun Grown Sumatran wrapper leaf that is aged for three years. It's extra flavor is accomplished with a blend of Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Piloto tasting Ligero filler and a binder of Connecticut broadleaf...
Old Fashioned No. 749 Cafe Cigars
Old Fashioned Dominican is made from the same Top quality tobaccos just like the Macanudo label. but Indeed the numbers of the different Old Fashioned sizes indicate the dimension of the cigars according to their Macanudo "lineage". ..
Old Fashioned No. 749 Maduro Cigars
Old Fashioned Dominican is made from the same Top quality tobaccos just like the Macanudo label. but Indeed the numbers of the different Old Fashioned sizes indicate the dimension of the cigars according to their Macanudo "lineage". ..