262 Allegiance Lancero Cigars
262 Allegiance Lancero Cigars is a mild to medium cigar that is comprised of a Brazilian Mata-Fina wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and fillers from both Nicaragua and Honduras. Which makes this 262 Allegiance Lancero Cigars an effortless and enjoyable smoke...
262 Allegiance Robusto Cigars
This mild to medium cigar is comprised of a Brazilian Mata-Fina wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and fillers from both Nicaragua and Honduras which make for an effortless and enjoyable smoke...
262 Ideology Belicoso Cigars
This cigar is the perfect counterpart to the Paradigm, this toasty, buttery smoke is mild, smooth and sure to set your troubles at ease. ..
262 Ideology Box Press Toro Cigars
This buttery smoke is mild, smooth and sure to set your troubles at ease. An even draw and bountiful smoke make for an effortless experience...
262 Ideology Churchill Cigars
lets your palate take you back to what it was about a cigar that made you fall in love with it; from its toasty but buttery smoke. this cigar is mild and smooth and is sure to set your troubles at ease...
262 Ideology Corona Cigars
This is a cigar that will ring home with your palate and take you back to what is about a cigar that made you fall in love with it. This toasty, buttery smoke is mild, smooth and sure to set your troubles at ease, perfect for the after 5 business meeting or just a quite night on the patio...
262 Ideology Robusto Cigars
This is a cigar that will ring home with your palate and take you back to what is about a cigar that made you fall in love with it. This toasty, buttery smoke is mild, smooth and sure to set your troubles at ease, perfect for the after 5 business meeting or just a quite night on the patio...
262 Paradigm 4 Sixty Cigars
This well-balanced cigar starts off with 3 fillers coming together to create a rich array of tastes. The Seco and Ligero tobaccos from the Esteli and Jalapa valleys. This 4x60 gives you everything that know and love about a 6X60 but just with a short burned time...
262 Paradigm 6 Sixty Cigars
This well-balanced cigar starts off with 3 fillers coming together to create a rich array of tastes. The Seco and Ligero tobaccos from the Esteli and Jalapa valleys. This 6x60 gives you everything that know and love about a 4X60 but just with a longer burned time...
262 Paradigm Box Press Toro Cigars
This Seco and Ligero tobaccos from the Esteli and Jalapa valleys in Nicaragua are blended with a Cubito tobacco, a Cuban-seed leaf grown in Columbia and then boxed press for your enjoyment. this cigar is a must have for any collection...
262 Paradigm Lancero Cigars
The binder for the filler blend is Honduran with a Brazilian wrapper that pulls everything together to deliver notes of citrus, coffee and a dark chocolate finish. As smooth as that trifecta of the beloved leaf sounds, don't be fooled. See for yourslf and add a box to your humidor..
262 Paradigm Robusto Cigars
The blend is Honduran with a Brazilian wrapper that pulls everything together to deliver notes of citrus, coffee and a dark chocolate finish...
262 Paradigm Torpedo Cigars
Blended with a Cubito tobacco, a Cuban-seed leaf grown in Columbia The Paradigm Torpedo has a slight kick. Of course, any genuine shift in your thought process always will; so try a box today..
262 Revere Box Press Toro Cigars
This is a Nicaraguan puro. The cigar features a wrapper from the Jalapa Valley, a double binder of both Jalapa and Estelí tobaccos, and a rare combination of Estelí, Condega and Jalapa seco, viso, and ligero for the filler. The 262 Revere Cigar is produced by Plasencia Cigars S.A. in Esteli, Nicaragua..
262 Revere Corona Cigars
262 Cigars Revere Corona is a Nicaraguan puro. The cigar features a wrapper from the Jalapa Valley, a double binder of both Jalapa and Estelí tobaccos, and a rare combination of Estelí, Condega and Jalapa seco, viso, and ligero for the filler. The Revere is produced by Plasencia Cigars S.A. in Esteli, Nicaragua. ..